Monday, February 16, 2009

Blogging in Scottland

Athelstaneford Primary School in East Lothian, Scotland definitely makes great use of blogs in the classroom. This is a rural school of 52 students and the head teacher is Mr. Grieve. This blog is filled with school information, events, photos, assignments and other web links. Both students and teachers are able to contribute to this blog about the activities going on in their school. In this photo students are celebrating National Tree Week. Blogs are such a useful means of communication not only between student and teachers but parents as well. Also, it is a fun way to communicate.


  1. Excellent. Appears that is also a great additional resource. Keep up the good work.

  2. Great blog. It is really interesting to see that teachers are now using blogs in their classrooms all around the world.


Mr. C's fifth grade class

Mr. C's fifth grade class