Saturday, January 24, 2009


ALEX, Alabama Learning Exchange, is a very useful website that has been set up for educators, administrators, parents and students. This website offers information on every course offered in public schools from English to Drivers’ Education. It is not only has each course listed but by grade level also. For instance a teacher, who is looking for a create way to teach a particular concept can go to this website and click on a subject area then the grade level to look at lesson plans that have been shared on that particular concept or skill. This is a great way teachers can share their expertise and communicate with other educators across the country. ALEX is constantly changing and being updated to offer its users the very best and most current information.

Teachers can create an account which allows them to have their own personal workspace. This is where they can work on their individual lesson plans. Not only does it help teachers with their subject area but also offers professional development for teachers and administrators. Even parents can use this resource during the summer to help reinforce what was taught over the school year. ALEX was not around when I first started teaching, so I am excited that such a resource is now available. This is a valuable tool to use for enhancing the classroom.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent. Hopefully this will be a great resource as you head back into the classroom.


Mr. C's fifth grade class

Mr. C's fifth grade class